Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Friday, April 2, 2010

Live Blog! Leveraging Social Media with Beth Kanter

Back from lunch. One of the great things about this workshop is how much, and how often, participants are given the chance and encouraged to talk with each other. This workshop isn't a lecture, it is interactive in the pure sense of the word.

Experiments to do after you leave:

Twitter, how to use it effectively for the arts.

What is Twitter? Social Media for people to talk in 140 or less characters.
Why Twitter? Information/Insight, Marketing, Data Mining, Social Circles, Connections

Examples: Use it for getting contacts for programing participants. Urgent promotions (like ticketing deals.) Twitter feeds operates as a news feed (a source of content) on the website.

Who uses Twitter? The average user tweets once in 72 days. Most people have 25 or fewer followers.

How do people Tweet? Desk top or mobile phones. Amazing growth in people using it through smart phones.

How to use it?
1. As a focus group. (Example is the Smithsonian and what people say about it...very funny!)
2. Live notes during an event
3. Customer service.
4. Starting conversations about the development of new work. (#2amt)
5. Tweetups!
6. Spreading buzz. (Example is the Monterey Bay sending out a message and following it to all the people who have sent it out...and encouraging media to send out again and again.)


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Beth Kanter's live blog session on social media was a game-changer, providing practical tips and strategies to enhance online presence. The session was informative, engaging, and provided real-world examples and case studies. The blog team effectively captured Kanter's expertise, offering actionable advice in an accessible and relevant manner. It was praised for keeping readers engaged and motivated to take action.

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The text provides a detailed summary of a live blog on social media leveraging, starting with an engaging introduction that highlights the importance of social media. The blog structure is well-organized, with clear sections and headers. Beth Kanter shares specific insights and strategies during the live event, highlighting any unique perspectives. The blog also includes active audience interaction, real-life examples, practical tips, visual content, engagement and participation, clarity and conciseness, and encourages further exploration. The blog's structure is well-organized, with clear sections and headers. Real-life examples are used to illustrate social media strategies, and practical tips are provided for readers to enhance their social media presence. Visual elements like images, infographics, or slides are evaluated for their effectiveness in complementing the content. The blog's level of engagement and participation is discussed, with interactive elements like polls and Q&A sessions mentioned. The blog's clarity and conciseness are also evaluated, with complex concepts explained in an understandable manner. The conclusion encourages readers to explore more about social media leveraging.

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At March 19, 2024 at 11:39 PM , Blogger Emma said...

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"LIVE BLOG! Leveraging Social Media with Beth Kanter" is a dynamic and interactive article that provides real-time insights and practical tips on leveraging social media. The article captures the dynamic nature of the live blog format, engaging readers in a participatory experience. It includes key takeaways and actionable advice from the live event, fostering a sense of community. The article uses multimedia elements to enhance engagement and storytelling. However, it could benefit from a brief introduction and quotes from attendees.

At April 9, 2024 at 6:42 AM , Blogger lucask110198 said...

During "Leveraging Social Media with Beth Kanter," a live blog session, participants explored smart tactics to make the most of social media. Renowned subject-matter expert Beth Kanter offered helpful guidance on capturing viewers' attention, producing interesting material, and accurately gauging performance. Her focus on community development and honesty struck a deep chord with me, emphasizing the value of sincere relationships in the digital age. After attending, attendees have practical advice on how to improve their social media presence and produce significant outcomes. All things considered, the workshop was a priceless tool for people and businesses looking to use social media wisely in the globally connected world of today.
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At June 12, 2024 at 1:48 AM , Blogger Andrew said...

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At August 28, 2024 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Arfw said...


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