Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Friday, April 2, 2010

Live Blog! Leveraging Social Media with Beth Kanter

Hey, we don't want to forget that the biggest supporter of this event is the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Please come and check out their beautiful, exciting, and engaging exhibits.

As Brad is saying right now, it is "A center for the larger arts community in the bay area" and has supported Theatre Bay Area events in the past, particularly the APASO (American Performing Arts Service Organisations.)

Brad: I am excited to find out what happens over the next couple of months and "Using the arts to create community and using social media to encourage community among the arts and bring the community at large to the arts."

Beth Kanter: CEO of Zoetica. Her book: "The Networked Nonprofit" will come out in June and is available to pre-order on Amazon right now.

Her passion is teaching and learning social media, and was brought to Cambodia to teach organizations there about social media. Using the power of the word of mouth (via twitter) garnered donations of money to get her to Cambodia. They had asked that she bring "swag" from the USA, meaning T-Shirts. She twittered that she wanted "swag" T-Shirts, and low and behold, they just started showing up at her door. The power of twitter. She disribes this as her 'Ah-ha!' moment.


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