Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Friday, February 4, 2011

Envisioning Alternatives

Earlier this week, we generated a heated discussion about Rocco Landesman's comments at the New Play Institute on our blog and Facebook page. I walked away from that discussion with the sense that yes, our theatrical ecosystem (from a business standpoint) is unsustainable. Many (sadly, most) theatre artists work for nothing or next to nothing. In spite of this, we are indeed witnessing a rapid increase in the amount of theatre companies springing up around the country, and that increase is concurrent with an alarming decrease in funding sources for these theatre companies. However, as the reaction around the blogosphere is indicating, simply suggesting that we have too many theatre companies without proposing meaningful alternatives to the current system is overly simplistic and frustrating to artists whose life's work is in question.

That's where this post comes in. I would like to set aside this space to envision alternatives to the traditional models that many artists follow as criticized by Landesman: to produce a play or two with friends, to identify a niche in the theatre community, or at least a solid group of artists with whom one wants to continue to work, and then to form a theatre company with said artists. I have noticed a tendency in the theatre community to view creating a new theatre company as a necessary step in legitimizing one's work and building an audience. In our current theatrical environment, this is absolutely true. But can we imagine other systems in which this might not be as much of an issue?

Should established theatre companies, for example, create more opportunities for less established artists to create? What if large companies dedicated a certain amount of resources to smaller-scale "theatre laboratories" in which fringe artists could experiment with the form without having to create an entire theatre infrastructure of their own? How would the large companies benefit from such arrangements?

Could a group of smaller companies pool their resources to establish one umbrella nonprofit coop of sorts that serves all of them (run by a centralized managing director), much as arts organizations will pool their resources to share an office or performance space? Would such a thing even be legally and/or logistically feasible? Would this eliminate enough overhead costs to justify the added logistical headaches?

What sort of infrastructure would need to be in place, do you think, so that artists would no longer need to create organizations to satisfy their artistic impulses?

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At February 4, 2011 at 12:12 PM , Blogger Trevor Allen said...

Hello Elana,

Thank you for posting this. Yes, I’ve been following the #newplay discussion and the multiple Twitter stream conversations that the New Play convening at Arena Stage last week has spawned. I also watched the New Play TV feed from the conference and saw the feathers fly. While it was entertaining, I do feel that next steps and action items are now called for. I hope that Theatre Bay Area can help lead the way locally.

I propose that Theatre Bay Area act as an aggregator site to gather information on these thorny issues and as you suggest, post possible alternative models. There are some very good suggestions already floating out there on the web, as well as some interesting programs already in existence in other parts of the country that are working along the incubator model (I’m thinking of Steppenwolf and their “Garage”). Perhaps TBA could work with TCG to move the conversation forward at the annual TCG meeting this summer?

Many years ago, when I worked for TBA, there was much talk of convening a New Play Summit to gather together the Bay Area’s new play development programs with the theatre companies both large and small that are committed to doing new work in order to see if there were ways in which we, as a community, might be able to pool our resources to strengthen the field. The idea of a Bay Area New Play Network (along the lines of the NPN) was proposed. The idea of incubator programs was also brought up where “nomadic” theatres (that was the term we used then) might be able to partner with larger institutions to present work on their second stages or during their dark times. There were some wonderful meetings and much talk and many long lasting relationships were formed… but I believe that we might be able to do better now.

All this talk of scarcity and abundance at the national level has sparked new energy in an old discussion here in the Bay Area and it makes me smile. I appreciate the enthusiasm, it is contagious. I respectfully submit that perhaps the time has come to actually meet in person once again? Might I suggest one of the meeting rooms at the War Memorial Performing arts center, where the UN charter was signed and where TBA’s annual meeting takes place? I believe that we as a theatre community could move one step closer to sustainability if we all work together. Perhaps I’m a dreamer… but then again, that’s why I make plays.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Trevor Allen
Artistic Director and Playwright at large
Black Box Theatre Company, San Francisco

At February 4, 2011 at 1:02 PM , Blogger David J. Loehr said...

This kind of community building--working together, deputizing/adopting smaller companies and sharing performance spaces with them--is exactly what we've been talking about at 2amt, both on the #2amt twitter hashtag on and off for the last year and on the website, most recently in Travis Bedard's "never be dark" post, explaining the #neverbedark tag and elaborating on comments from the New Play Convening, specifically ideas brought up in the roundtable discussions by Shishir Kurup and in the breakout sessions by several of us.

Part of what came out of the convening was a renewed sense of purpose, new connections between people & organizations, and a commitment to stay connected, working together so that we don't come back five years from now to ask the same questions and have the same discussions.

It's great to see conversations like this starting around the country.

David J. Loehr
Artist in Residence, Riverrun Theatre Company
Editor, 2amt

At February 4, 2011 at 1:41 PM , Blogger Elana said...

Trevor, thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I agree that this is a conversation that needs to be revisited, and that TBA is a natural vehicle to move this conversation forward for the local community.

David, it is indeed great to see these conversations popping up! It's especially wonderful to have a resource like 2amt that can provide the level of connection that you describe. I must admit that I hadn't yet seen the Never Be Dark post ( and was not familiar with the #neverbedark hashtag prior to reading the post. Thanks for the reminder not only of all the inspiring things that the theatre community is already doing to address these issues, but also of the importance of trying to build off them (rather than spending our time reinventing the wheel).

At February 4, 2011 at 3:49 PM , Blogger Alex GH said...

I think we should raise the top tax rate to 40% and radically downsize our military. This will provide ample funding for arts across the country.

At February 4, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I recall being involved with the Nomad Project as a rep for Bindlestiff. We did accomplish a few useful things but we never seemed to be able to take any major steps toward real change.
At Bindlestiff I learned quite a few good lessons and at Bindlestiff we gave small companies an opportunity to do their work with little financial risk as far as rent goes. I have always felt that was an approach larger established spaces should investigate. We were a co-operative, a consortium of about 8 core artists who pitched in enough money each month to pay the rent which was very low and the utilities. Our individual productions were financed individually - excepting rental - but the costs of building sets, props, publicity etc were covered by the work of the co-op. All money taken in from a production went back into the production costs which were minimal due to the group effort.
When we rented we usually offered the same deal. No rent, we would help as an organization, all our props and set pieces, lighting etc were free, the first money that came in went to defray those costs. If not enough came in, so be it. If there were an excess, the actors got it.
We used this method to great success for productions by Killing My Lobster, Teatro ng T'nan, Tongue in a Mood, Teatro Sabor and several individual producers.
TiaM and TnT were the most successful and that is where I learned my biggest lesson. Of the original 8 artist's shows, none turned a profit and only two paid for costs. We had no community, no audience. The two Philippino American troupes filled the houses to the brim and over. That is why today Bindlestiff is the epicenter of Pilippino American Performing Arts.
I would like to see the Magic offer a space to one small Nomadic theatre company each season The same with all the larger, permanent houses. Just a thought.

At February 6, 2011 at 8:31 AM , Blogger Dennis Baker said...

Thanks for talking about action items, as that was a thrust of our conversation for the #NewPlay Los Angeles Theater (#LAThtr) meetup.

Trevor hit on something simple, and our main action item we came up with, the idea of meeting on a regular basis. As theater artists we don't talk/see each other enough. By meeting and talking, we begin to become familiar with each others works/visions and hopefully be able to help each other cultivate work.

We are also using these meetings to dialogue with TCG, to bring ideas for the national conference this summer. Keep me posted on what action items come out of the bay area conversation.

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At August 20, 2021 at 7:46 PM , Blogger Manila said...

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At September 24, 2021 at 3:56 PM , Blogger Astrid said...

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At September 30, 2021 at 4:01 AM , Blogger Clark Son said...

Most of the users face the 'Offline' error while using the printer at some point of your time . during this writeup, we've addressed the difficulty of 'Why Epson printer offline '. we've explained the answer of this offline problems during a very simple way.

At December 23, 2021 at 7:33 AM , Blogger Natasha Bryan said...

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McAfee is a popular antivirus software available on the market. But sometimes, people might need to get a refund for it. McAfee is a popular antivirus company with a wide range of products. It has its refund policy to make sure that the customers are happy with their purchases. McAfee is an anti-virus software company that provides both physical and online solutions. The company has been in the market since 1987 and has around 400 million customers worldwide.

McAfee has a 14-day return period for some of its products. However, if the customer does not purchase the product directly from McAfee, this policy does not apply. The refund process for McAfee is not very straightforward. As a customer, if you are unsatisfied with the product or not getting the desired results then you are eligible for McAfee Refund.

The simplest way to contact McAfee online is to find the chat box on their website and start a conversation with their customer service agents. McAfee’s customer service team can be contacted through a number of different channels, but the simplest one is through the chat box on their website. This way, you can chat with a customer service agent in real time and discuss your issue without having to wait for anyone who may not be available at NDthat particular moment.

One of the steps that you have to take is to contact McAfee for refund directly. You can call them at +44 808 196 3303 or chat with them.

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At January 26, 2022 at 8:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 9:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 10:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 11:06 PM , Blogger hencok said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 11:16 PM , Blogger hencok said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 11:20 PM , Blogger hencok said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 11:24 PM , Blogger hencok said...

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At January 26, 2022 at 11:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At January 27, 2022 at 12:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Amplifi wifi system is the one that allows wide range of fast-speed internet connection. amplifi login by using a login id. After login, you can change the settings according to your need.

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At January 27, 2022 at 7:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Want to complete a mywifiext setup? To complete a setup you need to type the ip address in the url box. After accessing the admin login panel. You can easily login with it. It is the easiest way to complete a setup.

At January 27, 2022 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Fritz box router is an outstanding wireless router. It covers all the edges and corners with its high-speed. fritzbox login through username and password. After login, you can change the settings according to your need.

At January 27, 2022 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Backlink Sites said...

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At January 27, 2022 at 8:19 PM , Blogger Backlink Sites said...

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At January 27, 2022 at 8:35 PM , Blogger Backlink Sites said...

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At January 27, 2022 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Backlink Sites said...

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At February 7, 2022 at 9:09 PM , Blogger Carl Wood said...

One of the most popular printers, the HP printer, is recognized for its accessibility, which is hard to find in other printers. The HP printer assistant is one such piece of software that comes with the printer and allows you to scan and print documents, images, and do other tasks. If you can't figure out how to download HP printer assistant, go to HP's official website and download the application that is compatible with your system. HP Printer smart assistance is a piece of software developed by HP to aid customers in installing and managing HP print drivers for Windows PCs. Users may use this program to scan documents and photos, monitor the device's ink level, purchase supplies, and conduct other operations. If you wish to use HP smart print assistance on your Windows PC, keep reading to get simple steps.

At March 7, 2022 at 10:55 PM , Blogger Nick said...

To begin, set up or the default IP gateway. Orbilogin Setup will be installed in your default web browser, and you will be routed to the orbilogin admin portal screen. To log in, you'll need a username and password. If you are utilizing the new router, you will be sent to the orbilogin page, where the default information for the username and password will be Admin. To get to the orbilogin setup page, type, orbiloginnet, or the IP address into your browser. This will allow you to use the network's existing router settings as well as other critical functions.

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At March 14, 2022 at 2:49 AM , Blogger How to set up wavlink wifi extender? said...

Another reason why people like the TP link is that you have another choice for logging into your login webpage. You are not obligated to use a certain login method if it does not work for you. Although the WPS method is simple to use, it does require your whole attention. To begin, connect your computer or smartphone to your Tplink router's network. Wait about 2 minutes after selecting the WPS option on your screen. Then press the WPS button on your Tplink router.

At March 14, 2022 at 3:21 AM , Blogger How to set up wavlink wifi extender? said...

If you are having trouble completing the linksys velop login process, you can use the techniques given below. Download the Linksys Velop app from the app store on your configuration device, such as a smartphone. Linksys Velop login and setup require the Linksys Velop app. Download and open the Linksys Velop app on your smartphone or iPhone. Before you can use the Linksys Velop app, you must first create a Linksys Smart WIFI account. You can review or alter Velop system settings, such as login and password, once you've accessed the Velop app.

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At April 28, 2022 at 4:18 PM , Blogger technical support router said...

While changing the router password you can type the password hint for the backup purpose. In case a user forgets the login password he can recover it using the password hint that he assigned during the configuration process. The recovery feature saves a user from restoring the default settings into the router and also saves your effort. Make sure the password hint is easy to remember and access so that you can easily type it during the recovery process without any hassle. You can change the login password anytime using the myrouter.local interface.

At April 28, 2022 at 4:46 PM , Blogger technical support router said...

While changing the router password you can type the password hint for the backup purpose. In case a user forgets the login password he can recover it using the password hint that he assigned during the configuration process. The recovery feature saves a user from restoring the default settings into the router and also saves your effort. Make sure the password hint is easy to remember and access so that you can easily type it during the recovery process without any hassle. You can change the login password anytime using the myrouter.local interface.

At April 29, 2022 at 11:01 PM , Blogger Email Customer Care said...

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At May 18, 2022 at 5:31 PM , Blogger technical support router said...

An Orbilogin ia a web platform,also named .The purpose of Netgear Orbi login is to help the users easily access their Orbi router interface by sitting at any corner and at any time. We can easily perform the Orbi Wifi home mesh systems with the help of Orbi satellites and Orbi routers.If our computer has properly connected to our Orbi login Wifi network, then we can navigate the Addy or the URL bar of the Web directory to and hit the ENTER key .

At May 18, 2022 at 5:32 PM , Blogger technical support router said...

While performing the setup process of a range extender, the most significant thing that a user must consider is the placement of the device. Make sure that you put the range extender in a ventilated area from where it can easily catch a good amount of Wifi signals. Users are advised to avoid putting the range extender in a corner. A user can control or manage the range extender by accessing the re.rockspace.local default management window.

At May 24, 2022 at 10:45 PM , Blogger John Watson said...

The default gateway Dlinkrouter.local is used to access the login page and the setup wizard for the Dlink router. You can also use the default IP address as an alternative here. Once you access the login page of the router, you can change the wireless settings as per your choice. If you wish to know more about the login or the setup process of the Dlink router, feel free to call and chat with our experts in the end now.
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At June 12, 2022 at 11:44 PM , Blogger 10th textbooks said...

Soon after the main yearly test, the Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education CGBSE will release the Chhattisgarh Class 12 Question Paper 2023. The projected timing for the announcement of Chhattisgarh class 12th Question Paper 2023 is June. CG Board 12th Question Paper 2023 The Class 12th Exam in Chhattisgarh will begin in March. After the completion of the test in the month of March, every CGBSE class 12th appearing students would anxiously await the CG 12thStd Exam Question Paper 2023 / CG class 12 Arts Question Paper 2023 / CG HSC science Question Paper 2023 / Chhattisgarh class 12th commerce Model Paper 2023. 2023 CGBSE HSC Question Paper All students begin their search for the CGBSE 12th Model Paper 2023 of class 12th science/ commerce Question Paper 2023.

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At November 23, 2022 at 11:37 PM , Blogger Linksys Velop Setup said...

The Linksys Velop login page will lead you to the Velop setup wizard. You can edit the network settings related to your Velop router once you get past the setup page and edit the network settings. For help with the Velop login process, you can always follow the steps on the Linksys Velop app. Download the same from the App Store or Google Play and proceed with the login process easily.

At January 20, 2023 at 9:32 PM , Blogger The Technical Experts said...

For the Arlo camera to charge properly, it needs a stable source of power. Otherwise, the Arlo camera not charging issue will persist. To fix this issue you can try plugging the AC power adapter into a different outlet.

At March 15, 2023 at 2:01 AM , Blogger Harry said...

The roomba red light when blinking indicates the robot’s battery is very low to start cleaning. In this case, you need to send the robot to its dock to start charging. The robot usually descends to the charging

At March 27, 2023 at 10:58 PM , Blogger The Technical Experts said...

When you are giving away your Arlo camera or discarding it, you must reset Arlo camera. The reset restores the factory default settings of the camera, which means all the recordings and the settings made by you will be gone.

At March 27, 2023 at 11:11 PM , Blogger The Technical Experts said...

The Asus router blinking red light indicates there’s an issue with the internet. This issue arises due to an improper cable connection or an internet outage. Check all the cable connections and ensure no connection is loose.

At March 27, 2023 at 11:18 PM , Blogger The Technical Experts said...

Before you factory reset HP printer, you must know that the reset restores the factory default settings of the printer. This means after the reset, all the settings and changes made by you will be gone and you will have to reconfigure it again.

At March 31, 2023 at 2:44 AM , Blogger clys said...

If you have been wondering how to reset nest thermostat, you can do it simply. To reset the thermostat, you just need to navigate to the settings of the thermostat using the ring and select the ‘Reset’ option. Now, the thermostat will turn OFF, and the factory default settings will be back. When the reset is successful, you can reconfigure the thermostat again

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At May 25, 2023 at 12:13 AM , Blogger shopia said...

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At July 6, 2023 at 8:50 PM , Blogger fionabasil said...

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At August 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM , Blogger hotmail said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At October 30, 2023 at 10:18 PM , Blogger The Technical Experts said...

If your HP printer not connecting to WiFi network, you can try these steps to resolve the issue. First, ensure your printer is within the Wi-Fi signal range. Check that the Wi-Fi password entered on the printer is correct.

At December 7, 2023 at 9:07 PM , Blogger Stella Jones said...

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At September 12, 2024 at 12:49 AM , Blogger DiegoAlice said...

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At October 17, 2024 at 11:46 PM , Blogger Robert said...

This approach promotes ||New Jersey Expunge Order of Protection||Is New York A Community Property State for Divorce creative thinking by challenging conventional solutions and imagining new, transformative outcomes.

At October 26, 2024 at 2:53 AM , Blogger Mywifiext said...

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At February 24, 2025 at 2:09 AM , Blogger Bluno said...

The Certification of e-BRC (Electronic Bank Realization Certificate) is an official document issued by authorized banks in India, confirming the realization of export proceeds. It serves as proof that the exporter has received payment for goods or services from a foreign buyer. The e-BRC is essential for claiming export incentives, GST refunds, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Issued digitally through the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) portal, it streamlines the export documentation process and enhances transparency in foreign trade transactions. Exporters must ensure timely certification to avail benefits.

At March 1, 2025 at 2:31 AM , Blogger Albertalb said...

I deeply appreciate the valuable and informative content that enriches my knowledge across various subjects New Jersey Order of Protection I acknowledge its significance for the future. Whether delving into detailed analyses of current events, exploring niche topics in depth, or sharing personal reflections that resonate with readers, each meticulously crafted blog post strengthens the bond between content creator and audience. This underscores the profound impact of quality content and its role in shaping our collective understanding of the world.


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