Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Monday, October 18, 2010

From the road: conversations about intrinsic impact, part 1

For the past couple of weeks, I've gotten to travel to five of the six cities that are taking part in our big intrinsic impact study, and it's been a truly fascinating process. As a part of this work, we are sitting down with the artistic, marketing and management staff of each of the participating theaters for two hours to talk through the survey protocol and, more generally, to talk about where research, and specifically research about audience feedback, falls into the artistic selection process. Boy, do responses vary.

In some cases, the staff seem to have a healthy conversation going with their audiences, creating what researcher Alan Brown, who is conducting the study via his firm WolfBrown, calls a "feedback loop." In other cases, the response seems muddy, and often indicates that the internal conversation about this question hasn't yet happened - or at least that a coherent consensus hasn't yet been reached. And then there are the companies that have a very clear view of things, and that view is that audience feedback sits nowhere near artistic selection.

I don't know that there is a right answer here, although coming at it from a marketing point of view I see some real downsides to not at least taking audience feedback, especially the type of "intrinsic effects" feedback we are talking about in this study, into account at all. After one of the meetings, Alan talked to me about how he is fascinated by those maverick artistic directors who don't really engage in a conversation with their audiences, but manage to succeed (sometimes fabulously). Artists like that exist, and their existence is fantastic - they are able to build experiences that audiences don't even know they want. These people remind me of visual artists like Pollock, Picasso and Van Gogh, who created from their own vision, and who managed to tap into the public's vision over time.

What is hard for me is that it seems clear that for every Van Gogh, there are thousands of artists out there who don't quite hit the zeitgeist, but think they will. When you loop it back to theatre, these are the leaders of theatre companies who think they are thisclose to being visionaries, to creating monumental work, but are in fact creating a bunch of insulated work that isn't really connecting. Maybe these artists are aware of this problem but don't feel that changing is a valid way forward. Or (more likely, I think) maybe these artists don't actually know whether or not their work is affecting in the ways they want it to be.

Ultimately, of course, the work becomes unsustainable if no one will pay to see it. But what if incorporating just a little hat tip to the audience's emotional, intellectual and social connection - seeing how, as we will be able to do with this intrinsic impact study, the audience's experience matches up against the goals of what theatre companies want them to experience - could shift that trajectory and make that many more successful pieces, that many more affecting experiences?

I'm interested in hearing how the conversation evolves over the year, and discovering who uses this information and how. We are prepared for some companies to simply set these results on a shelf and never look at them, though we hope that won't be the case. But even if in the end the leaders of a company decide that this type of work isn't their cup of tea, hopefully they'll figure out why they are resistant, and what the perceived threat is, and how real it is. That's a conversation, and in this case, that's success.

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:23 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:23 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:23 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:24 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:24 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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مكافحة الحشرات بالرياض

At September 28, 2020 at 11:24 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:25 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:25 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At September 28, 2020 at 11:27 AM , Blogger شركة نجم الخليج said...

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At August 28, 2023 at 6:27 AM , Blogger sanradavid said...

"Conversations about Intrinsic Impact" presents a thought-provoking exploration into the profound effects of art and culture on individuals and society. Through insightful dialogues and analyses, the book delves deep into how artistic experiences shape emotions, perspectives, and social dynamics, highlighting the enduring importance of creativity in human lives.

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At August 28, 2023 at 2:25 PM , Blogger johnscena said...

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At September 13, 2023 at 7:31 AM , Blogger Robert said...

Conversations about Intrinsic Impact presents a thought-provoking exploration of how internal, meaningful change can profoundly influence various aspects of life, from personal growth to organizational development. Through engaging dialogues and insights, it sheds light on the transformative power of intrinsic impact.

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At September 13, 2023 at 7:40 AM , Blogger thivithivi said...

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At September 15, 2023 at 11:22 PM , Blogger Luke said...

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"From the Road: Conversations about Intrinsic Impact, Part 1" is a thought-provoking series that delves into the topic of intrinsic impact. The series offers engaging conversations, valuable insights, diverse perspectives, and thought leaders in the field. Its accessible language, visual appeal, timely relevance, and educational content make it a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of impact and the arts. The series encourages critical reflection and introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The interdisciplinary approach of the series successfully combines perspectives from various disciplines, making it appealing to a broad audience. As Part 1 of a series, it sets a promising foundation for future installments. The balanced format of interviews, panel discussions, and expert insights provides a well-rounded approach to exploring intrinsic impact. The series is easily accessible, making it convenient for viewers to engage with the content. Overall, "From the Road: Conversations about Intrinsic Impact, Part 1" is an exceptional exploration of a complex topic, offering intellectual stimulation and meaningful takeaways for its audience.

At September 20, 2023 at 7:43 AM , Blogger kevinnelson said...

This article explores the intricate connection between artistic expression and audience feedback, which is so fascinating. Reading about your visits to other venues and observations on the varying reactions inside the business is fascinating. In order to support a vibrant and changing cultural community, the idea of a "feedback loop" between theaters and their audiences is undoubtedly essential. The range of reactions from theaters—from those that welcome audience feedback to those that vehemently reject it—seems to represent the wide tapestry of artistic methods prevalent in the industry. As you pointed out, there might not be a universally applicable solution, and the achievements of some unconventional artistic directors who stick to their individual visions serve as a testament to the diversity and innovation found in the arts. abogado litigante patrimonial

At September 23, 2023 at 7:31 AM , Blogger johnscena said...

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At September 26, 2023 at 8:23 AM , Blogger thivithivi said...

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At October 9, 2023 at 2:05 AM , Blogger yara said...

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At October 23, 2023 at 8:07 PM , Blogger Jonnybairstow said...

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At November 7, 2023 at 10:31 PM , Blogger martin03481 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At November 7, 2023 at 10:34 PM , Blogger martin03481 said...

The author discusses their travels and discussions with theater companies' artistic, marketing, and management staff. They agree that audience feedback, particularly in terms of "intrinsic effects," can be valuable for creating more successful and affecting experiences. The intrinsic impact study is a valuable tool for gaining insights into how audience experiences align with theater companies' goals. The author expects to see how this information is used by companies and whether it leads to changes in their approach. The conversation about audience feedback and intrinsic impact is a step towards understanding and potential growth for the theater community. The results of the study will contribute to a deeper understanding of audience engagement and satisfaction. The ongoing dialogue is a testament to the dedication and passion within the theater community to create meaningful experiences and is eager to see how this conversation continues to shape the future of artistic expression and audience connection. Abogados de Lesiones Personales en Virginia Beach

At November 22, 2023 at 1:53 AM , Blogger ethandylan said...

"from-road-conversations-about-intrinsic" and whether it is related to intrinsic motivation, road conversations, or other topics. The author suggests that intrinsic motivation leads to more sustained and fulfilling achievements in personal and professional endeavors. Road conversations provide a unique space for introspection and connection, where diverse perspectives merge and ideas unfold. Exploring the intrinsic value of creativity opens doors to innovative thinking and problem-solving, shaping a future fueled by imagination. Life's journey is marked by meaningful conversations we have along the way. Unveiling the intrinsic beauty of nature not only enriches our surroundings but also deepens our appreciation for the world we inhabit. The author encourages guidance towards specific themes or specific subjects of de lesiones personales de virginia

At December 5, 2023 at 12:10 AM , Blogger judasanjoy said...

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At December 13, 2023 at 11:29 PM , Blogger romanr03481 said...

The exploration of how artistic vision intersects with audience feedback in theater is a complex and multifaceted journey. The spectrum of responses from different theater companies varies, from those deeply engaged in dialogue with their audience to those firmly rooted in their vision that might not align with audience preferences. The challenge lies in balancing artistic integrity and vision with the practicality of sustainability within the theater industry. Sustainability often hinges on audience engagement and willingness to pay for the experience. The intrinsic impact study is an invaluable tool to shed light on how audience experiences align with the intended goals of theater companies. This insight could be pivotal in bridging the gap between artistic vision and audience connection, potentially leading to more resonant and commercially viable productions. Engaging in this conversation and exploring potential resistances signifies progress and a deeper understanding of the dynamics between artistry and audience impact. The journey is an enthralling journey that could spark nuanced conversations about the intricate interplay between art, audience, and lasting impact in the theater world. abogado de planificación patrimonial cerca de mí

At December 29, 2023 at 8:25 PM , Blogger Jhonsnow said...

The term "intrinsic" can be used in various contexts, such as philosophy, finance, physics, programming, psychology, and art and aesthetics. In philosophy, discussions about intrinsic properties often focus on the nature of qualities essential to an object's identity, such as goodness. In finance, intrinsic value is a key concept, examining how analysts determine the intrinsic value of stocks or assets based on factors like earnings, growth potential, and market conditions. In physics, intrinsic properties of particles, such as spin or charge, are crucial for understanding their behavior. In programming, intrinsic functions or operations are built into the language, optimizing performance or providing essential functionality. In psychology, intrinsic motivation refers to behavior driven by internal factors, and it can be explored in learning, creativity, or overall well-being. In art and aesthetics, intrinsic qualities of a piece may refer to its inherent aesthetic or emotional value, contributing to its appreciation.testamentos y sucesiones de abogados

At December 29, 2023 at 11:45 PM , Blogger Davidwilley said...

Road trips offer a unique setting for conversations about intrinsic qualities, particularly in the context of personal values and aspirations. These discussions can cover a wide range of topics, including personal values such as integrity, honesty, and empathy. Road trips can also inspire exploration and sharing of personal passions and long-term goals, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment. Self-discovery can be a focus, with conversations centered around personal growth and learning experiences. The changing landscapes during a road trip can also prompt discussions about the intrinsic connection between individuals and nature, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment. Relationships, whether friendships, family ties, or romantic connections, often come into focus during road trips, emphasizing the importance of meaningful connections and their impact on one's life. Road trips also provide time for contemplation on well-being, both physical and mental, with discussions on balance, self-care, and finding joy in simple pleasures. The nature of these discussions can vary based on the people involved, the purpose of the road trip, and individual interests.leyes de accidentes de motocicleta

At January 9, 2024 at 9:37 PM , Blogger littlefinger said...

The prompt appears unclear or incomplete. If you are seeking information or insights about conversations related to intrinsic factors like intrinsic motivation, intrinsic rewards, or other intrinsic elements, please provide more details or clarify your question. This will help me better understand your request and provide more relevant information. If you are interested in information about intrinsic motivation, intrinsic values, or any other specific intrinsic aspect, please provide more details so that I can better assist you.abogados de accidentes

At January 13, 2024 at 5:04 AM , Blogger shira said...

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At January 23, 2024 at 10:40 PM , Blogger Emilyjames said...

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The documentary 'From the Road: Conversations about Intrinsic Impact' explores the profound effects of travel on individuals, capturing diverse perspectives. It features interviews with travelers from various backgrounds, providing rich insights. The cinematography complements the narrative, enhancing the viewer's vicarious travel experience. The documentary delves into the emotional and personal impact of travel, transcending surface-level observations. The filmmaker balances solo travelers, families, and adventure seekers, showcasing universal and individualistic aspects. The pacing is well-managed, and the soundtrack complements the visuals, creating an immersive viewing experience.

At February 1, 2024 at 10:45 PM , Blogger Paul Walker said...

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The article series 'From the Road: Conversations About Intrinsic Impact, Part 1' is a thought-provoking exploration of intrinsic impact in conversations. It offers valuable insights for those passionate about the subject and engages readers with meaningful discussions. The in-depth conversations provide a nuanced perspective on how intrinsic impact plays a crucial role. The series is a must-read for arts enthusiasts, as it offers a profound exploration of the topic, making it accessible and engaging for a wide audience. The in-depth conversations are eye-opening and highlight the importance of thoughtful discussions for a deeper understanding of the subject. The series is a gem for those interested in understanding and maximizing intrinsic impact.

At February 2, 2024 at 11:12 PM , Blogger Dawson said...

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The title of the series suggests a series of conversations about "intrinsic impact," piqued curiosity about shared insights. The serial format of "Part 1" builds anticipation for future installments. The focus is on dialogue, appealing to readers interested in diverse viewpoints. The professional tone of "From the Road" suggests insights from different places or experiences. The title is intriguing but general, potentially attracting a broad audience interested in various fields related to intrinsic impact.

At February 9, 2024 at 10:12 PM , Blogger Hudson said...

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The article 'From the Road: Conversations About Intrinsic Impact, Part 1' is a thought-provoking exploration of the intrinsic impact of various experiences, offering readers a deeper understanding of their personal and collective significance. The author captures the essence of conversations on the road, creating a narrative that informs and sparks introspection. The inclusion of diverse perspectives and anecdotes enriches the content, providing a well-rounded view of the intrinsic impact across different contexts. The article effectively emphasizes the interconnectedness of experiences and their lasting influence on individuals, communities, and societies. The engaging storytelling style keeps readers engrossed, and the piece encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences, fostering a deeper connection to the narrative.

At February 14, 2024 at 2:08 AM , Blogger aaranian said...

"From road conversations about intrinsic" is a phrase that lacks context, making it difficult to provide a specific response. However, it can be interpreted as philosophical exploration, psychological perspective, educational context, or creative inspiration. Philosophical exploration suggests discussions about the intrinsic nature of concepts, values, or phenomena, such as human rights, intrinsic value systems, or intrinsic motivations. Psychological perspective suggests that intrinsic conversations often relate to internal drives, motivations, or qualities, such as intrinsic motivation, intrinsic rewards, or personality traits. Educational context suggests that intrinsic factors might relate to intrinsic motivation in learning or the inherent value of certain subjects or activities. Creative inspiration could evoke imagery of conversations about intrinsic aspects of creativity, art, or expression, such as the intrinsic beauty of nature, the intrinsic meaning of artistic endeavors, or the intrinsic satisfaction derived from creative pursuits. Without further context, it is open to interpretation, and if more details or clarification are provided, a more tailored response can be offered.contract dispute litigation

At February 15, 2024 at 7:55 AM , Blogger lucask110198 said...

Part one of FROM THE ROAD: CONVERSATIONS ABOUT INTRINSIC IMPACT provides a thought-provoking examination of the significant impacts of human connection. The movie explores the fundamental effects of our actions on both ourselves and other people through interesting conversation and debates. It inspires viewers to reflect on their own interactions and promotes deep introspection because it features a wide range of opinions and experiences. Audiences are left with a lasting impression by the documentary's genuineness and authenticity. With its promise of a path of self-discovery and understanding, Part 1 lays a compelling basis for additional investigation. A must-watch for everyone looking for motivation and understanding."
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At March 11, 2024 at 1:33 AM , Blogger kolson said...

KEYWORD The title "from-road-conversations-about-intrinsic" is cryptic and lacks context. It suggests a unique approach to uncovering intrinsic motivators through everyday conversations. However, it could benefit from a clearer explanation of the connection between road conversations and intrinsic aspects. The content is based on informal discussions, and a more formal title could better reflect the research. The title could also be rephrased to be more informative about the content.

At March 11, 2024 at 1:33 AM , Blogger kolson said...

The title "from-road-conversations-about-intrinsic" is cryptic and lacks context. It suggests a unique approach to uncovering intrinsic motivators through everyday conversations. However, it could benefit from a clearer explanation of the connection between road conversations and intrinsic aspects. The content is based on informal discussions, and a more formal title could better reflect the research. The title could also be rephrased to be more informative about the content.
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