Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Monday, August 10, 2009

Growing Versus Thriving

A few years after I started Crowded Fire, I remember the mother of a company member coming up after a show and saying enthusiastically, “You guys are going to be the next Berkeley Rep. I remember when they were just a small group starting out and look where they are now!” That sounded exciting to me--I thought it would be great to have our story look like the classic '70s/'80s story of the group of actors who got together to put on a show, attracted an audience and funding, built a building, and grew their company into one of the leading regional theatres in the country.

So we started to work on it. In between finding cheap lumber, tracking down rehearsal space and meeting playwrights, we started trying to look like a mini regional theatre. We put together an advisory board, we created an employee manual (I laugh when I think about that--I mean, we didn’t really have any employees), and we tried to seem as much like an institution as we could. This started to pay off fast: artists took us seriously, I got invited to speak on panels, and most importantly, it was easier to answer all those questions on grants that are oriented towards larger companies. Did we have a strategic plan? Of course! Did we know the ratio of earned to contributed income? You bet! Did we have a plan to become a nonprofit within three years? In progress.

But then I started to question this approach. Was growing into a multi-million dollar theatre really what we were aiming to do? For one thing, it didn’t look likely. The landscape has changed a lot since the early days of the regional theatre movement and there isn’t necessarily room for too many more institutions on that scale. For another thing, the kind of artist-driven, experimental work we were attracted to didn’t match well with the kind of revenue you need to grow exponentially like that. And honestly, all that time spent on the business of creating and maintaining a nonprofit structure was time not spent making art, or improving the art we were creating.

Fast forward some years, and here at Theatre Bay Area I often talk to small companies who want to know how to grow into midsize ones, or to other members of the community who want to know what TBA is doing to “help companies grow.” What I think now is that we’re not asking the right question. What can we all do to help companies thrive? Not everyone needs to grow, or especially to keep on growing year after year. Sure, it’s great to get big enough to have a paid staff member, to pay artists a semi-respectable wage, and to get the Chronicle to come review your plays. But maybe the question should be about achieving a sustainable size and then deepening the creative achievement, not just the size of your audience or the size of your budget. Especially in the midst of this recession, we need to find other ways to measure success. Year-over-year growth is not always possible, and perhaps not even desirable.

The thing is, though, this kind of thinking has to come from funders and other key players as well. If the art’s not real unless you own your space, if you can’t call it a “professional” production without an Equity contract, if you can’t get in the door of a major funder without a minimum budget size, then there are real reasons that we keep focusing on growth. This feels like such an American preoccupation to me. The stock market needs to keep rising and rising, we need to keep settling more and more land, we have to build bigger and bigger houses. Let’s not make that mistake in the arts.

What could we all do to change the conversation so that we have others ways to measure importance, achievement and value to the community? What if we asked how significant the work you’re making is instead of what budget category your company fits in or how many audience members attended last year? There’s no question that the institutional model is a problematic one for new companies to emulate. Let’s start thinking about new structures to help emerging artists attract the resources they need to make extraordinary work, and let’s work with our funders to figure out how to evaluate that work without always asking everyone to demonstrate growth.

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At August 7, 2009 at 4:53 PM , Blogger PianoFight said...

While I agree with the sentiment, I don't think it's a very useful practice. Theaters, collectively, are losing their audience. This is a well documented stat from the NEA (double digit percentage loss since the 1980's). Theater has to grow, otherwise, as the audiences continue to decline year after year, there will eventually be no audience left.

At August 8, 2009 at 10:25 AM , Blogger An Honest Critic said...

Rebecca, I think you bring up a critically important point in the ongoing debate about the value of art, and it's corollary debate, how we prove it's value, how we measure it's success. I think part of the problem is the prevalence of the capitalist paradigm (you're institution is only healthy when it's growing in capital), but it's also the lack of encouragement to experiment with anything other than what happens onstage. And I think a systematic reliance on funding from foundations invested materially and psychologically in capitalist paradigms also inhibits experimentation in institutional structures.

At August 8, 2009 at 6:21 PM , Blogger Carl Benson said...

Not entirely sure what all that means, AnHonestCritic, but from what I gather, you're saying that there's lots of room for lots of types of companies and even more types of "growth."

Namely, some companies should be experimenting with their business in a not-for-profit model while others should continue trying things with a for-profit model. And that the experimentation should extend beyond a specific show and into the business of running the theater company. Is that about right?

At August 10, 2009 at 10:30 AM , Blogger Rebecca Novick said...

Interesting, Honest Critic. That reminds me of a time I was at a funders' panel and someone in the audience asked what major foundations were doing about the concentration of wealth in the hands of just a few and someone, I think from the Irvine Foundation, responded that foundations are the RESULT of the concentration of wealth. :) A complicated situation, for sure.

To the other points here, I think it's interesting to think about applying the same kind of creativity to organizational structure that we're accustomed to applying to our art. But I was also trying to say that for artists who don't have the bizarre yen for organizational development that I do, there should be a mechanism to help them find ways to support their art without building a company.

At August 10, 2009 at 9:33 PM , Blogger Clay Lord said...

Carl/PianoFight - you of course have an interesting perspective since you are a for-profit model, and I think you're right that, as with any effort to succeed (however that's defined), different groups pursuing all possible tracks to success is an important phenomenon. But I don't think (and I can't honestly figure out if this is what you're saying or not, so if no, forgive me) that we should simply say that theatre companies need to thrive or fail based on their ability to crowd-please and make money. Art is a public good (I know, I can see your eyes rolling, but it's true) -- it is an expression of cultural experience in a variety of ways, some of which are popular in the moment, and some of which reveal themselves to be gems over time (think Van Gogh, or, more recently, think early Pinter). Financially nurturing experiences that don't necessarily pull money in the door allows artists to make the work that ultimately lives on -- Angels in America, for example, is a huge work, long, somewhat inaccessible, with a large cast and tough technical stipulations. The original production essentially dessimated the company that commissioned it, and was supported by donated money. While it's true that Angels went on to be almost immediately and profoundly successful, for every Angels (or August: Osage County) there's a Kentucky Cycle in the wings.

In some of your other posts, you have argued that theatre just has to get better in order to survive, and while I think that's very objective, I like that goal better than saying "theatre has to grow." Theatre, to my mind, has to change, adapt, adjust itself to the reality we as field find ourselves in now rather than the burgeoning, open landscape of the late 70's. I think it's totally possible that a large number of smaller theatres producing very different work, possibly for shorter periods of time before coming to a natural end (or not), is potentially the solution for the time we're in. Or maybe not. We'll see.

At August 11, 2009 at 8:49 AM , Blogger An Honest Critic said...

Carl: Yes and No. I'm saying that we should be aware of the constraints placed on our thinking when we define 'growth' or 'institutional health' in capitalist terms. The two kinds of theatre in the U.S. are so inculcated in the capitalist paradigm that they are given legal status by their relationship to the ultimate capitalist goal: for-profit and non-profit. So yes, I think we should experiment with the organizational structures, but I don't want to call them 'business' models. (I'm fully aware that I sound like a radical--no offense to radicals--but words are powerful agents for channeling thoughts, and we should be careful which words we use).

Rebecca: A very complicated situation indeed, I didn't mean to indicate otherwise, but not inscrutable. I hazard to say that I don't think foundations are the results of concentrated wealth, but rather of the psychological dispositions of those trafficking wealth.

I agree that mechanisms should be in place to help develop and present the work of non-organization-zen artists, but don't they already exist? Aren't development organizations like the Playwrights Foundation, Crowded Fire, Berkeley Repertory, and Z Space supposed to mine the masses for undiscovered talent? I don't mean these to be rhetorical questions. I honestly think we should examine what organizations, which already exist, are successfully sparking artistic careers. Of course, then we come back to our previous dilemma, how do we define success?

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At November 29, 2023 at 9:28 PM , Blogger lanisterjimmy said...

Growing and thriving are related concepts but convey slightly different meanings when applied to individuals, businesses, or communities. Growing refers to the process of expanding in size, quantity, or degree, while thriving involves a state of flourishing or well-being, including prosperity, vitality, and success in various aspects. In personal terms, thriving involves fulfillment, happiness, and a high quality of life, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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At January 4, 2024 at 5:20 AM , Blogger johnblaze21 said...

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At January 7, 2024 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Jhonsnow said...

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At January 16, 2024 at 10:38 PM , Blogger Grace Brown said...

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The article explores the distinction between growth and thriving, providing clear definitions, real-world examples, and a holistic perspective. It offers practical insights for everyday life, empowering readers to evaluate and enhance their own trajectories. The balanced tone maintains a positive outlook while acknowledging cultural and personal relevance. The article also addresses challenges and potential pitfalls associated with growth and thriving, adding depth to the analysis. The future outlook considers how personal and organizational growth contributes to sustained thriving, inviting readers to envision long-term success. The article encourages engagement and reflection, fostering self-awareness.

At January 23, 2024 at 5:44 AM , Blogger simon said...

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The growing versus thriving debate has sparked a thoughtful discussion in the comments, with readers sharing personal experiences and perspectives. The debate has resonated with many, generating insightful comments that encourage deeper reflection on personal and professional development. The growing versus thriving debate is gaining traction in the comments, with many sharing stories of how this perspective shift has influenced their goals and mindset. The clarity brought to these concepts has sparked self-reflection and a collective exchange of ideas on what it means to truly thrive. The debate has resonated with readers, demonstrating the value of understanding the distinction between the two.

At February 6, 2024 at 9:56 PM , Blogger Cameron said...

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The text discusses the concept of "Growing Versus Thriving" and its impact on readers. It highlights the thought-provoking content, the discussion on definitions, and the sharing of personal experiences. Readers contribute to the discussion by sharing their own experiences related to these themes, fostering a sense of community. The comments also encourage individuals to reflect on their goals, creating a supportive environment for self-discovery and goal-setting. The text also emphasizes the importance of community empowerment, encouraging readers to strive for thriving rather than just growth, fostering a positive dialogue around personal development and fulfillment.

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At March 8, 2024 at 8:32 AM , Blogger John said...

Such a remarkable acknowledgment! It's truly uplifting to be recognized and cheered on for the dedication you've poured into Crowded Fire. Continue to explore new frontiers and leave a lasting impact on the theatrical landscape.

At March 11, 2024 at 11:27 PM , Blogger Paul Walker said...

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The article 'Growing Versus Thriving' provides a comprehensive exploration of the distinction between growth and thriving, emphasizing the importance of holistic development. It offers a thought-provoking read for individuals seeking personal or professional fulfillment. The article skillfully navigates the concept of 'Growing Versus Thriving', offering readers a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play. It conveys the idea that true fulfillment involves more than just growth, making it a reflective and insightful read. The article prompts readers to reconsider their goals and aspirations in a more comprehensive way, making it a valuable read for those seeking fulfillment. Overall, 'Growing Versus Thriving' is an insightful examination of personal development, urging readers to consider a more holistic approach to their aspirations.

At April 18, 2024 at 2:10 AM , Blogger asher said...

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At May 25, 2024 at 12:41 AM , Blogger jassililly said...

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At May 28, 2024 at 6:50 AM , Blogger Grayson said...

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At June 11, 2024 at 5:17 PM , Blogger Alexa1100 said...

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At June 12, 2024 at 4:08 AM , Blogger juliettemyla said...

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At August 8, 2024 at 10:11 AM , Blogger reacthunt said...

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At August 15, 2024 at 11:08 PM , Blogger johnsmithp486 said...

The article on "Growing Versus Thriving" highlights the evolution of artistic endeavors, drawing parallels between Crowded Fire and Berkeley Rep. It emphasizes the difference between growth and thriving, and personal anecdotes highlight vision and perseverance.

At September 18, 2024 at 9:58 PM , Blogger neelkanthonlinecricketid said...

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At September 20, 2024 at 2:59 AM , Blogger harlanwill said...

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At September 30, 2024 at 5:05 PM , Blogger Emma1100 said...

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At October 25, 2024 at 11:18 PM , Blogger robinr076 said...

The text highlights the tension between growth and authenticity in the arts, suggesting that Crowded Fire should redefine success beyond traditional metrics like revenue and institutional stature. It also explores the conflict between artist-driven work and institutional goals, highlighting the need for sustainability while maintaining innovation. The text also discusses the impact of growth on community engagement, suggesting alternative models that prioritize artistic integrity over growth. It also emphasizes the importance of reflection in leadership roles and a future vision for Crowded Fire, aiming to cultivate an environment where art thrives regardless of traditional growth expectations. Austin Immigration Lawyer

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At December 1, 2024 at 11:35 PM , Blogger novaolivia said...

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