Theatre Bay Area Chatterbox

Friday, June 26, 2009

AATC Presents Fayette-Nam

Last night Asian American Theater Company opened its world premiere of Fayette-Nam at Thick House, where it’s in residence this season. The energy was pretty palpable: the 36-year-old company has had its ups and downs lately, but coartistic director, Duy Nguyen, who directed the play, announced in his curtain talk that “Asian American Theater Company is back!”

And it’s back in a big way. With a youthful core of artists, AATC chooses not to play it safe with a more well-known David Henry Hwang but a world premiere by Aurorae Khoo, an LA-based playwright, screenwriter and arts educator. Fayette-Nam takes place in Fayetteville, North Carolina, home to Fort Bragg, and centers on a single Asian American mother, Laura-Lai (Lisa Kang), who runs a dingy donut and eggroll shop next to a strip joint. She’s apparently engaged to a military higher-up but has a rather mysterious relationship with a 19-year-old soldier from Oakland (Jon Gentry) who’s gone AWOL the night before he’s deployed to Iraq. Laura-Lai is quite intriguing, a wanna-be Southern Belle who’s struggling on the boundary of marginalization. She’s given to whimsical and sweetly sad flights of fancy, acting out in great detail her dream of opening a patisserie on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, and comparing people and love to food, as with the lovely and funny Bundt cake monologue at the top of act two. But her fantasies are abruptly interrupted by the reality of her college-age pyromaniac daughter (Kathleen Mendoza) and her young son (Kenneth Tan Ronquillo) who’s struggling with his first crush and some bullies from school.

This production is a very loose collaboration with Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Company, one we detailed in Theatre Bay Area’s February cover story (AATC helped with casting on LHT’s February production of Waitin’ 2 End Hell). But for more details on Fayette-Nam, definitely check out AATC’s new website, fully hooked up with all the social networking. The show’s video is also worth checking out in general, but also as an example of how to solve the videotaping a stage play problem. This video looks more like a trailer for an indie film—not surprising given the playwright is also a screenwriter—because they didn’t videotape action on stage, but put the action in a filmlike context.

The evening also ended on an energetic note, with board producer Darryl Chiang encouraging the audience to get more involved with and support the company. From now through July it presents new works incubators and workshops, and its next full production in October is another world premiere: Philip Kan Gotanda’s #5 Angry Red Drum. Congrats AATC!



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At October 26, 2021 at 1:54 AM , Blogger nickmiddleton010 said...

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At November 14, 2021 at 9:07 PM , Blogger Garika Jello said...

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At November 25, 2021 at 4:08 AM , Blogger Natasha Bryan said...

Mcafee is one of the most popular brand names in security software. It has an extensive range of products and services offering protection against ransomware, viruses, malware, scams and other online threats.

The McAfee Refund Program allows consumers to get a full refund when they purchase a product from McAfee.

The McAfee Refund Program is a useful tool for consumers to use in cases where they have been deceived by the salesperson or feel that the product was not as good as marketed. Consumers are able to submit their claim by filling out an online form.

There are several reasons why you might want to get a refund from McAfee.

- You upgraded your license too quickly and don't have enough time to enjoy the benefits of the new features provided by the product.

- The product automatically detected that it is not compatible with your computer or some other hardware.

- You accidentally purchased an incorrect version of the product or you received a wrong shipment.

McAfee has recently faced some issues with the Refund Program. The program is designed to protect consumers from malware, viruses, and other threats on websites. However, some people are questioning the content of the refund policy.

The issue is that McAfee Refund policy treats everyone who uses their service as a first-time user without any history on their computer or device - even if they have already requested a refund in the past or used McAfee for many years. The refunds are applied to whatever product was purchased - whether it is a subscription, upgrade, or new device.

In this post, We will talk about the steps to take when you have an issue with a mcafee refund.

Step 1: Check your email for a refund from Mcafee

Step 2: Visit the Mcafee website and go to the "Refunds" tab.

Step 3: Follow instructions and check if your refund has been processed. If so, good luck! If not, contact customer service by phone or email.

At December 2, 2021 at 10:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

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